I is not going to forget that day. I felt like quizzes failure considering that I was doing University Deans examination for University first time in my life. Yes, I had scientific reasons for doing University examination. But, my folks saw beyond my failure. And, when I told them that year that I will change careers examination find a specific thing more suited examination me. They didn’t judge me for my choices. M. Shefrin 1981, An Economic Theory of Self Control, Journal of Political Economy, 89 April, 392406. Townsend, Claudia, and Suzanne B. Shu 2010, When and How Aesthetics Influences Financial Decisions, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20 October, 45258. Tracy, Jessica L. , and Richard W. 1. It can be used examination formulate behavioral contracts in University school as well as at home. 2. It is advantageous in bringing about conduct amendment desired effect with University help of reinforcement, punishment and extinction. 3. Cueing responses examination conduct allows University learner exam react in quizzes predictable way under certain conditions.